Photo credit: NWMLS
I saw this last week and thought it was just too cool, so I had to share it!
Did you know that Beacon Hill has a LOG CABIN?!
Look at these amazing photos from the NWMLS:
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According to the listing, this is the first time it’s ever been on the market.
Chop wood out back, send your kids to the Beacon Hill International School, and then walk to the light rail station! But first stopping for a treat at the Fresh Flours Bakery…
I just love that North Beacon Hill really shows its eclectic side with this home, plus one other that has also just come on the market.
The Log Cabin is a 1980’s custom built log cabin on a wonderful secluded lot that takes you away from the city altogether.
The other home is The Tile House duplex, where the owner/artists have done charming, unique tile work inside and out of both units…check it out – this image also from the NWMLS:
The best part is that both of these incredibly unique homes are just minutes from downtown! One of the many things I love about North Beacon Hill – read more in this recent post.
Do you know of any other unique Beacon Hill homes like these two? Let me know!